The book Flyover: YokohamaManila chronicles the month long residency in Manila of Jun Homma and Yumiko Ishihara together with their residency partners Don Dalmacio and Con Cabrera. The book also presents their residency output in a unique way: disguised as a travel guidebook.

This project also commemorates the first time for the Koganecho Management Center to bring Japanese artists and researchers outside of Japan for their artist-in-residency program and the first time 98B Art COLLABoratory to host a artist-in-residency program.

Date: October 27, 2012

Venue: Studio under the railway bridge, Koganecho Area Management Center, Yokohama Japan

Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Koganecho Bazaar Passport required

Presenters: Jun Honma (artist), Yumiko Ishihara (architect, studio BO5), Mimi Tecson (artist)

This program is kindly granted by Japan Foundation, Pola Arts Foudation


「Flyover: YokohamaManila」(高架道路:ヨコハマニラ)は、本間純(アーティスト)、石原弓子(建築家)、ドン・ダルマチオ(アーティスト)、コン・カブレラ(アーティスト)による、マニラでの1ヶ月間のレジデンスの様子をまとめた記録集です。それぞれの視点からレジデンスの様子が描き出された、観光ガイドブックを装ったアートブックです。

また、横浜・マニラ交流レジデンス・プログラム「Flyover:都市の視覚共通言語を探る」は、黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターの企画による、初の日本人アーティストの海外派遣事業であり、98B Art COLLABoratoryの初のレジデンス事業となりました。



日時:2012年10月27日(土)13:00 – 15:00







apanese artists Jun Honman & Yumiko Ishihara share their experiences about their residency in 98B Manila through food.

With a little help from Mimi Tecson (artist-in-residence Koganecho Bazaar 2012) and Mark Salvatus (Koganecho Bazaar 2011)

Cafe Puan is run by artist Risa Sato in Koganecho, Yokohama

Yumiko Ishihara, RA will present the product of her research thus far. This will include images, perceptions and feedback from her visits of the various flyovers in Metro Manila. She will also discuss her intent for the final output of her project and how the actual experience affected her process.


Manila never fails to amaze me with its textures, layers and varied characteristics that’s why I looked forward to take Yumiko around the city. And the long walks were worth it! We saw the oldest flyover in Ramon Magsaysay Blvd. and below it is the PNR railway and a wet market. Every flyover has its own distinct personality and I’m happy that I am able to discover these through the research. I hope more Filipinos walk around the city to see more interesting places. 🙂 -Con